Sunday, April 20, 2008

Time to let these images see the light of day!

As many of you know one of my favorite past times is Photography. If I was independently wealthly I would spend the majority of my time entertaining myself with this hobby. All my spare cash that I am able stowe away (without Holly's knowledge) is tagged and/or spent on my new photography equipment wish list!

Before I dove into the digital realm all my noteable shots were storred away in a slide storage box, only to be seen by others when I dusted off the old slide projector and displayed them on a section of empty wall space.

The last few years since I have started getting into digital photography. The same pattern has been followed with the exception that all my images are now storred on one of many hard drives on my desktop computer.

These images may not be enough to make a living on, but they sure have been fun for me to both take and share with others. Hopefully this site will allow others to see them, other than just me and my desktop!

It will take me some time to sort through my files and find some images that are worth a second look. Keep checking back from time to time to see more images from the past few years as well as some new sucesses (hopefully!)

1 comment:

~Jason and Heidi~ said...

Impressive photos! I never knew!