Thursday, October 16, 2008

Nothing New

It has been a dark time in my photography hobby. A few months ago my camera fell out of my truck and the lens didn't make it. The base is OK but even that is very outdated. I have been waiting for Canon to come out with the latest and greatest updated version of the 5D but haven't seen it yet. I know as soon as I break down and buy it, the new one will come out. Anyways - I haven't taken many pictures lately. At first it was not a big deal to me as I have been very busy at work, but now I'm starting to miss it. Taking pictures is good therapy for me!

While I am stalling on the new camera and lens deal - I plan on spending time going through all my old pictures and organizing them. I'm sure during this process I will come across some that I will want to share on this site. If any of you have any suggestions of the best way to showcase alot of pictures in a way that is easlily viewed, but at the same time allows the images to be expanded so the viewer can experince the whole image and not just a thumbnail - Please send your suggestions my way. Just shoot me an email. Thanks (


Rebecca and Nick Ballstaedt said...

Your pictures are awesome. I hopr things are well and here is Mine and Nicks blog...

Love and miss you and Holly

Becca Lofley said...


I was searching for pictures of the Provo Temple to use for my ward directory's cover page when I came across your picture. It is absolutely beautiful! I'd like to use it for my project which will only be distributed within my ward, but I won't do so unless I have your permission. It is completely understandable if you don't want me to use it, especially since I can't offer to pay for its use. Please let me know if you'd be willing to let me use it. My e-mail is Thank you!